Our Services
Strategic Performance Company offers solutions to enhance the overall functioning and operations of the company. With our solutions, you can be assured of improved performance and better ROI.

ProdoTrak™ downtime and efficiency tracking is the nucleus of the ProdoVision™ portfolio. The application is based on Microsoft .NET architecture with a SQL Server back end. The web-based front end allows for quick and easy deployment across the entire organization. ProdoTrak™ is customizable, scalable, runs in the cloud, and requires only a browser on the client.
Typical ProdoTrak Reports:
How and Why ProdoTrak™ Works.
1. ProdoTrak™strengthens your plant’s common language. It adds data to the already established policies and procedures to enrich your communications and problem-solving abilities. It removes subjectivity and fosters data-driven decision-making. (Data –> Insights –> Action)
2. Success intentionally builds in phases. From cultural change preparation, to review of key plant process flows, to data modeling, each phase builds on the previous steps. The result is clarity into the most impactful issues quickly and continuous refinement of the data over time. The organization aligns quickly and builds trust as the improvements stack up.
3. ProdoTrak™drives CIP. The combination of software and change management provides the fastest and most sustainable improvement environment. ProdoTrak™ effectively identifies bottlenecks and delivers a framework for objectively developing solutions. The result is that customer and employee satisfaction, company profitability, and plant capacity all improve.
A Common Language.
Plant personnel understand the value of having a common language. That language in today’s world includes data in addition to procedures and policies. If only at an intuitive level, the plant team understands how important good data is and how crucial it is to the problem-solving equation. Formulating action plans based on relevant KPI’s and accurate data analysis virtually ensures success. Meetings become more productive and the conversation more objective and fruitful as time is spent creating solutions, not arguing over the accuracy of the information. An organizational culture like this is easily initiated, readily adopted, and sustained over time through the deployment of ProdoTrak™. In a short period of time, plant personnel no longer see the system as outside of their sphere of influence, rather, they see it as “Our System. Our Language. Our Voice.”
With all parts of the organization aligned and working harmoniously toward common goals, meaningful improvements can be made, and significant rewards realized. Customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, company profitability, and plant capacity all improve.
Multi-Phased Approach.
ProdoTrak™ is designed to use a phased approach to customize, implement, and adapt to any organization that is willing to strive for improvement. The primary components in the phases include culture change preparation, receiving of key plant process flows, and cooperative data modeling that ensures all pertinent issues are captured. Accurate data is required to flow into the system to enable the identification of key issues during the analysis. This is not a complex or new way to look at downtime. What makes it effective, though, is that is it complete. Most attempts to collect downtime information are usually too specific and only focus on one area or piece of equipment. Others expand the scope too broadly to provide useful/actionable data. ProdoTrak™ data is cross-checked upon entry and revalidated over the first 30-90 days so that a clear picture rapidly emerges and is gradually refined. With steady daily and weekly progress, the data becomes trustworthy and actionable.
A New Way of Thinking.
ProdoTrak™ is a disruptive technology that is a new way of operating on the data that calculates plant efficiencies. Utilizing a World Class Manufacturing (WCM) framework, the system can fit into almost any operation with an operations/management structure that supports continuous improvement as its mission. Quality, safety, employee morale, management reliance, and proper use of the information are all key components that are necessary to support any Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). The phased approach to incorporating this technology is the key to its continued success. Not solely based on software or hardware, and not relying singularly on change management, the blend of both creates much needed leverage. Leverage that allows for time to be spent solving the problems preventing greater throughput rather than merely talking about them. In short, it allows you to repeatedly and consistently “Find Herbie” (bottlenecks) faster. (Reference form “The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt).
Bottlenecks drain the life’s blood of plant operations. High performing operations identify and resolve bottlenecks quickly and efficiently, day in and day out. It’s no longer “Did we have a good day or a bad day?” Rather, “Did we have a good day or a great day?”
ProdoTrak™ takes into consideration all aspects of the business – plant, operations, management, and data – simultaneously. All team members align and can rely on a system where trusted data is used throughout the plant. That’s how and why it works!
ProdoVision™ is the suite of products and services that combine the technology, operational expertise, and business acumen to deliver the visibility and insights you need to solve the root cause of your performance bottlenecks. It is a key foundation of the continuous improvement process to give your company a performance boost.
The Only Tool You’ll Ever Need
The performance of any of your current systems can be enhanced using advanced system integration and custom tool development. All of these services are customized per project specifications.
Customized enhancements to your current systems for determining ROP, JIT, and For Stock requirements for raw materials.
Connected with your R&D and Project Tracking Systems, ProjectTrak™ automates communications and provides custom reporting to keep all necessary parties on the same page.